Baltimore County, Maryland

Find places information of name and zipcode in Baltimore county, Maryland,Baltimore ZIP Codes, Postal Codes
General Information for Baltimore, MD
Places number 67
FIPS 24005
Belong to Maryland

Streets in Baltimore

Places in Baltimore

Name Zip Code County
Stevenson 21153 Baltimore
Dundalk 21222 Baltimore
Randallstown 21133 Baltimore
Phoenix 21131 Baltimore
Boring 21020 Baltimore
Lutherville 21093 21094 Baltimore
Perry Hall 21128 Baltimore
Catonsville 21228 Baltimore
Brooklandville 21022 Baltimore
McDonogh Run 21133 Baltimore
Cockeysville 21030 Baltimore
Essex 21221 Baltimore
Bentley Springs 21120 Baltimore
Jacksonville 21131 Baltimore
Parkville 21234 Baltimore
Kingsville 21087 Baltimore
Rosedale 21237 Baltimore
Arbutus 21227 Baltimore
Fowbelsburg 21155 Baltimore
Lutherville Timonium 21093 Baltimore

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Baltimore is a county in Maryland of United States. Its IGN code is MD005, its FIPS code is 24005, It has about 67 places here.

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