Barnstable County, Massachusetts

Find places information of name and zipcode in Barnstable county, Massachusetts,Barnstable ZIP Codes, Postal Codes
General Information for Barnstable, MA
Places number 64
FIPS 25001
Belong to Massachusetts

Streets in Barnstable

Places in Barnstable

Name Zip Code County
West Falmouth 02574 Barnstable
Osterville 02655 Barnstable
Monument Beach 02553 Barnstable
Sandwich 02563 Barnstable
Orleans 02653 Barnstable
Chatham 02633 Barnstable
Cotuit 02635 Barnstable
East Sandwich 02537 Barnstable
North Truro 02652 Barnstable
Eastham 02642 Barnstable
New Seabury 02649 Barnstable
Yarmouth Port 02675 Barnstable
Hardwich 02645 Barnstable
North Chatham 02650 Barnstable
Buzzards Bay 02532 02542 Barnstable
West Harwich 02671 Barnstable
Harwich Port 02646 Barnstable
Forestdale 02644 Barnstable
Hyannis Port 02647 Barnstable
Wellfleet 02667 Barnstable

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Barnstable is a county in Massachusetts of United States. Its IGN code is MA001, its FIPS code is 25001, It has about 64 places here.

If the information has any inaccuracies, we recommend that you use Google or Yellow Pages to get additional information.