Franklin County, Illinois

Find places information of name and zipcode in Franklin county, Illinois,Franklin ZIP Codes, Postal Codes
General Information for Franklin, IL
Places number 40
FIPS 17055
Belong to Illinois

Streets in Franklin

Places in Franklin

Name Zip Code County
Cave 62890 Franklin
Frankfort Heights 62840 Franklin
Plumfield 62896 Franklin
Barren 62812 Franklin
Steel 62812 Franklin
Hanaford 62856 Franklin
Zeigler 62999 Franklin
Buckner 62819 Franklin
Logan 62856 Franklin
Coello 62825 Franklin
Corinth 62890 Franklin
Eastern 62812 Franklin
Benton 62812 Franklin
Goode 62884 Franklin
Denning 62896 Franklin
Six Mile 62999 Franklin
Frisco 62836 Franklin
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Franklin is a county in Illinois of United States. Its IGN code is IL055, its FIPS code is 17055, It has about 40 places here.

If the information has any inaccuracies, we recommend that you use Google or Yellow Pages to get additional information.