Franklin County, Pennsylvania

Find places information of name and zipcode in Franklin county, Pennsylvania,Franklin ZIP Codes, Postal Codes
General Information for Franklin, PA
Places number 96
FIPS 42055
Belong to Pennsylvania

Streets in Franklin

Places in Franklin

Name Zip Code County
Pond Bank 17201 Franklin
Clay Hill 17201 Franklin
Cove Gap 17236 Franklin
Fayetteville 17222 Franklin
Sylvan 17236 Franklin
Stoufferstown 17201 Franklin
Red Bridge 17201 Franklin
Cowans Gap 17224 Franklin
Doylesburg 17219 Franklin
Pleasant Hall 17246 Franklin
Milnor 17225 Franklin
Worleytown 17225 Franklin
Marion 17235 Franklin
Cress 17268 Franklin
Quincy 17247 Franklin
Guilford 17201 17202 Franklin
Weltys 17268 Franklin
Rouzerville 17250 Franklin
Lemasters 17231 Franklin
Waynecastle 17225 Franklin

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Franklin is a county in Pennsylvania of United States. Its IGN code is PA055, its FIPS code is 42055, It has about 96 places here.

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