Harrison County, Iowa

Find places information of name and zipcode in Harrison county, Iowa,Harrison ZIP Codes, Postal Codes
General Information for Harrison, IA
Places number 13
FIPS 19085
Belong to Iowa

Streets in Harrison

Places in Harrison

Name Zip Code County
Logan 51546 Harrison
Magnolia 51550 Harrison
Woodbine 51579 Harrison
Missouri Valley 51555 Harrison
Dunlap 51529 Harrison
Modale 51556 Harrison
Persia 51563 Harrison
Mondamin 51557 Harrison
Pisgah 51564 Harrison
Little Sioux 51545 Harrison
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Harrison is a county in Iowa of United States. Its IGN code is IA085, its FIPS code is 19085, It has about 13 places here.

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