Kanawha County, West Virginia

Find places information of name and zipcode in Kanawha county, West Virginia,Kanawha ZIP Codes, Postal Codes
General Information for Kanawha, WV
Places number 68
FIPS 54039
Belong to West Virginia

Streets in Kanawha

Places in Kanawha

Name Zip Code County
Quick 25045 Kanawha
Kanawha 25304 Kanawha
Leewood 25075 Kanawha
Dunbar 25064 Kanawha
Mammoth 25132 Kanawha
Handley 25102 Kanawha
Pratt 25162 Kanawha
Big Chimney 25302 Kanawha
Pinch 25156 Kanawha
Standard 25083 Kanawha
Elkview 25071 Kanawha
Clio 25045 Kanawha
Pond Gap 25160 Kanawha
Hugheston 25110 Kanawha
Tad 25201 Kanawha
Ohley 25075 Kanawha
Saint Albans 25177 Kanawha
Chesapeake 25315 Kanawha
Hernshaw 25107 Kanawha
Institute 25112 Kanawha

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Kanawha is a county in West Virginia of United States. Its IGN code is WV039, its FIPS code is 54039, It has about 68 places here.

If the information has any inaccuracies, we recommend that you use Google or Yellow Pages to get additional information.