Lancaster County, Pennsylvania

Find places information of name and zipcode in Lancaster county, Pennsylvania,Lancaster ZIP Codes, Postal Codes
General Information for Lancaster, PA
Places number 196
FIPS 42071
Belong to Pennsylvania

Streets in Lancaster

Places in Lancaster

Name Zip Code County
Reamstown 17567 Lancaster
Manor Ridge 17603 Lancaster
Ironville 17512 Lancaster
Blue Ball 17506 Lancaster
Murrell 17522 Lancaster
Hinkletown 17522 Lancaster
Leaman Place 17562 Lancaster
Voganville 17522 Lancaster
Farmdale 17552 Lancaster
Aberdeen 17022 Lancaster
Rohrerstown 17603 Lancaster
Adamstown 19501 Lancaster
Lancaster 17601 17602 17603 17611 Lancaster
West Lancaster 17603 Lancaster
Bird in Hand 17505 Lancaster
Neffsville 17601 Lancaster
Greenbank 17557 Lancaster
New Texas 17563 Lancaster
Mechanics Grove 17566 Lancaster
Bausman 17504 Lancaster

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Lancaster is a county in Pennsylvania of United States. Its IGN code is PA071, its FIPS code is 42071, It has about 196 places here.

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