San Miguel County, New Mexico

Find places information of name and zipcode in San Miguel county, New Mexico,San Miguel ZIP Codes, Postal Codes
General Information for San Miguel, NM
Places number 46
FIPS 35047
Belong to New Mexico

Streets in San Miguel

Places in San Miguel

Name Zip Code County
Conchas Dam 88416 San Miguel
Sapello 87745 San Miguel
El Pueblo 87560 San Miguel
Las Vegas 87701 87745 San Miguel
Villanueva 87583 San Miguel
Coruco 87560 San Miguel
North San Ysidro 87538 San Miguel
Los Pachecos 87552 San Miguel
Rociada 87742 San Miguel
Pine 87552 San Miguel
El Porvenir 87731 San Miguel
Rowe 87562 San Miguel
Tucumcari 88416 San Miguel
San Jose 87565 San Miguel
Beulah 87745 San Miguel
Ribera 87560 San Miguel
El Ancon 87560 San Miguel
Lagunita 87560 San Miguel
Bernal 87569 San Miguel
Romeroville 87701 San Miguel
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San Miguel is a county in New Mexico of United States. Its IGN code is NM047, its FIPS code is 35047, It has about 46 places here.

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