Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania

Find places information of name and zipcode in Schuylkill county, Pennsylvania,Schuylkill ZIP Codes, Postal Codes
General Information for Schuylkill, PA
Places number 183
FIPS 42107
Belong to Pennsylvania

Streets in Schuylkill

Places in Schuylkill

Name Zip Code County
Hometown 18252 Schuylkill
Good Spring 17981 Schuylkill
Echo Valley 17981 Schuylkill
Line Mountain 17941 Schuylkill
Llewellyn 17944 Schuylkill
Wadesville 17901 Schuylkill
Landingville 17972 Schuylkill
Ringtown 17967 Schuylkill
Barnesville 18214 Schuylkill
Wiggans 17948 Schuylkill
Lavelle 17943 Schuylkill
Reilly 17923 Schuylkill
Reinerton 17980 Schuylkill
North Manheim 17901 Schuylkill
McKeansburg 17960 Schuylkill
Preston Hill 17935 Schuylkill
Brommerstown 17922 Schuylkill
Hubley 17983 Schuylkill
South Manheim 17922 Schuylkill
Outwood 17963 Schuylkill

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Schuylkill is a county in Pennsylvania of United States. Its IGN code is PA107, its FIPS code is 42107, It has about 183 places here.

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