Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania

Find places information of name and zipcode in Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania,Westmoreland ZIP Codes, Postal Codes
General Information for Westmoreland, PA
Places number 97
FIPS 42129
Belong to Pennsylvania

Streets in Westmoreland

Places in Westmoreland

Name Zip Code County
Donegal 15628 Westmoreland
New Kensington 15068 Westmoreland
Avonmore 15618 Westmoreland
Armbrust 15616 Westmoreland
Wyano 15695 Westmoreland
Park 15690 Westmoreland
Alverton 15612 Westmoreland
Loyalhanna 15661 Westmoreland
Edmon 15618 Westmoreland
Herminie 15637 Westmoreland
Forbes Road 15633 Westmoreland
Apollo 15613 Westmoreland
Van Meter 15479 Westmoreland
Webster 15087 Westmoreland
New Derry 15671 Westmoreland
Mammoth 15664 Westmoreland
Scottdale 15683 Westmoreland
Whitney 15693 Westmoreland
Hunker 15639 Westmoreland
Pricedale 15072 Westmoreland

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Westmoreland is a county in Pennsylvania of United States. Its IGN code is PA129, its FIPS code is 42129, It has about 97 places here.

If the information has any inaccuracies, we recommend that you use Google or Yellow Pages to get additional information.