General Information for Edmonton, Alberta | |
Streets | 34312 |
Name | Edmonton |
Postal code | T2G T5A T5B T5C T5E T5G T5H T5J T5K T5L T5M T5N T5P T5R T5S T5T T5V T5W T5X T5Y T5Z T6A T6B T6C T6E T6G T6H T6J T6K T6L T6M T6N T6P T6R T6S T6T T6V T6W T6X |
County | Edmonton |
State | Alberta |
General Information for Edmonton | |
Name | Edmonton |
IGN | 4811 |
State | Alberta |
General Information for Alberta | |
Name | Alberta |
Capital | Edmonton |
Nickname | Wild Rose Country, Texas of the North |
Postal abbr. | AB |
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