General Information for North York, Ontario | |
Streets | 11876 |
Name | North York |
Postal code | M1L M1R M2H M2J M2K M2L M2M M2N M2P M2R M3A M3B M3C M3H M3J M3K M3L M3M M3N M4A M4G M4N M4P M4R M5M M5N M6A M6B M6E M6L M6M M7A M9L M9M M9N |
County | Toronto |
State | Ontario |
General Information for Toronto | |
Name | Toronto |
IGN | 3520 |
State | Ontario |
General Information for Ontario | |
Name | Ontario |
Capital | Toronto |
Nickname | Yours to Discover, The Heartland Province |
Postal abbr. | ON |
If the information has any inaccuracies, we recommend that you use Google or Yellow Pages to get additional information.