Strathcona Road - Route 312 is a street in Saint-Peters Bay Kings Prince Edward Island, Canada. The postal code of Strathcona Road - Route 312 is C0A 2A0, There are about 1853 street addresses. We offer google maps to view this address on the map.
Public Information | |
Name | Strathcona Road - Route 312 |
Postal code | C0A 2A0 |
Place | Saint-Peters Bay |
County | Kings |
Province | Prince Edward Island |
Information for Saint-Peters Bay | |
Name | Saint-Peters Bay |
Postal code | C0A |
Streets | 71 |
Information for Kings | |
Name | Kings |
Places number | 10 |
IGN | 1101 |
Information for Prince Edward Island | |
Name | Prince Edward Island |
Name | Prince Edward Island |
Capital | Charlottetown |
Nickname | Spud Island |
Postal abbr. | PE |
We use Google Maps to locate the address and display it on the left. You can check the address.
If the information has any inaccuracies, we recommend that you use Google or Yellow Pages to get additional information.