Sanikiluaq, Sanikiluaq, NU X0A 0A3

Sanikiluaq is a street in Sanikiluaq Baffin Nunavut, Canada. The postal code of Sanikiluaq is X0A 0A3, There are about no further street addresses. We offer google maps to view this address on the map.

Public Information
Name Sanikiluaq
Postal code X0A 0A3
Place Sanikiluaq
County Baffin
Province Nunavut

Streets in Sanikiluaq

There is no other street.
Information for Sanikiluaq
Name Sanikiluaq
Postal code X0A
Streets 3
Information for Baffin
Name Baffin
Places number 13
IGN 6204
Information for Nunavut
Name Nunavut
Name Nunavut
Capital Iqaluit
Nickname Our land, our strength
Postal abbr. NU
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