Albany County, New York

Find places information of name and zipcode in Albany county, New York,Albany ZIP Codes, Postal Codes
General Information for Albany, NY
Places number 55
FIPS 36001
Belong to New York

Streets in Albany

Places in Albany

Name Zip Code County
Bethlehem 12054 12077 Albany
Ravena 12143 Albany
South Berne 12023 Albany
Clarksville 12041 Albany
Green Island 12183 Albany
Dunsbach Ferry 12047 Albany
Troy 12183 Albany
Westmere 12203 Albany
Westerlo 12193 Albany
Thompsons Lake 12009 Albany
Feura Bush 12067 Albany
Ny State Campus 12226 Albany
Voorheesville 12186 Albany
Delmar 12054 Albany
Loudonville 12211 Albany
Mannville 12189 Albany
Pine 12203 Albany
Maplewood 12189 Albany
Beckers Corners 12158 Albany
Siena 12211 Albany
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Albany is a county in New York of United States. Its IGN code is NY001, its FIPS code is 36001, It has about 55 places here.

If the information has any inaccuracies, we recommend that you use Google or Yellow Pages to get additional information.