Bayfield County, Wisconsin

Find places information of name and zipcode in Bayfield county, Wisconsin,Bayfield ZIP Codes, Postal Codes
General Information for Bayfield, WI
Places number 16
FIPS 55007
Belong to Wisconsin

Streets in Bayfield

Places in Bayfield

Name Zip Code County
Herbster 54844 Bayfield
Benoit 54816 Bayfield
Delta 54856 Bayfield
Drummond 54832 Bayfield
Red Cliff 54814 Bayfield
Grand View 54839 Bayfield
Iron River 54847 Bayfield
Cornucopia 54827 Bayfield
Cable 54821 Bayfield
Bayfield 54814 Bayfield
Mason 54816 54856 Bayfield
Washburn 54891 Bayfield
Port Wing 54865 Bayfield
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Bayfield is a county in Wisconsin of United States. Its IGN code is WI007, its FIPS code is 55007, It has about 16 places here.

If the information has any inaccuracies, we recommend that you use Google or Yellow Pages to get additional information.