Bradford County, Pennsylvania

Find places information of name and zipcode in Bradford county, Pennsylvania,Bradford ZIP Codes, Postal Codes
General Information for Bradford, PA
Places number 52
FIPS 42015
Belong to Pennsylvania

Streets in Bradford

Places in Bradford

Name Zip Code County
Wyalusing 18853 Bradford
Ward 17724 Bradford
South Creek 16925 Bradford
Union 17724 Bradford
West Leroy 17724 Bradford
Wysox 18854 Bradford
Snedekerville 16914 Bradford
Alba 16910 Bradford
Sylvania 16945 Bradford
Cowley 16926 Bradford
South Waverly 18840 Bradford
East Canton 17724 Bradford
Columbia Cross Roads 16914 Bradford
Austinville 16914 Bradford
New Albany 18833 Bradford
Sugar Run 18846 Bradford
Athens 18810 18840 Bradford
Granville Summit 16926 Bradford
Gillett 16925 Bradford
Wetona 16914 Bradford

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Bradford is a county in Pennsylvania of United States. Its IGN code is PA015, its FIPS code is 42015, It has about 52 places here.

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