Chemung County, New York

Find places information of name and zipcode in Chemung county, New York,Chemung ZIP Codes, Postal Codes
General Information for Chemung, NY
Places number 16
FIPS 36015
Belong to New York

Streets in Chemung

Places in Chemung

Name Zip Code County
Elmira Heights 14903 Chemung
Lowman 14861 Chemung
Wellsburg 14894 Chemung
Breesport 14816 Chemung
Erin 14838 Chemung
Horseheads 14845 Chemung
Elmira 14901 14903 14904 14905 Chemung
Pine Valley 14872 Chemung
Millport 14864 Chemung
Chemung 14825 Chemung
Pine City 14871 Chemung
Van Etten 14889 Chemung
Big Flats 14814 Chemung
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Chemung is a county in New York of United States. Its IGN code is NY015, its FIPS code is 36015, It has about 16 places here.

If the information has any inaccuracies, we recommend that you use Google or Yellow Pages to get additional information.