Collin County, Texas

Find places information of name and zipcode in Collin county, Texas,Collin ZIP Codes, Postal Codes
General Information for Collin, TX
Places number 28
FIPS 48085
Belong to Texas

Streets in Collin

Places in Collin

Name Zip Code County
Dallas 75252 75287 Collin
Parker 75002 75094 Collin
McKinney 75069 75070 75071 Collin
Celina 75009 Collin
Wylie 75098 Collin
Westminster 75485 Collin
Lucas 75002 75098 Collin
Princeton 75407 Collin
Allen 75002 75013 Collin
Nevada 75173 Collin
Melissa 75454 Collin
Anna 75409 Collin
Farmersville 75442 Collin
Prestonwood 75252 Collin
St Paul 75098 Collin
Weston 75097 Collin
Fairview 75069 Collin
Copeville 75121 Collin
Lavon 75166 Collin
Josephine 75164 Collin
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Collin is a county in Texas of United States. Its IGN code is TX085, its FIPS code is 48085, It has about 28 places here.

If the information has any inaccuracies, we recommend that you use Google or Yellow Pages to get additional information.