Cumberland County, North Carolina

Find places information of name and zipcode in Cumberland county, North Carolina,Cumberland ZIP Codes, Postal Codes
General Information for Cumberland, NC
Places number 23
FIPS 37051
Belong to North Carolina

Streets in Cumberland

Places in Cumberland

Name Zip Code County
Spring Lake 28390 Cumberland
Falcon 28342 Cumberland
Olde Farm 28390 Cumberland
Wade 28395 Cumberland
Hope Mills 28348 Cumberland
Stedman 28391 Cumberland
Eastover 28301 28312 Cumberland
Lakedale 28306 Cumberland
Fort Bragg 28307 Cumberland
Lafayette 28304 Cumberland
Haymount 28305 Cumberland
Ponderosa 28303 Cumberland
Cumberland 28331 Cumberland
Pope Army Airfield 28308 Cumberland
Vander 28301 Cumberland
Linden 28356 Cumberland
East Fayetteville 28301 Cumberland
Eutaw 28303 Cumberland
Fayetteville 28301 28303 28304 28305 28306 28307 28308 28311 28312 28314 Cumberland
Fay 28301 Cumberland
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Cumberland is a county in North Carolina of United States. Its IGN code is NC051, its FIPS code is 37051, It has about 23 places here.

If the information has any inaccuracies, we recommend that you use Google or Yellow Pages to get additional information.