Franklin County, Maine

Find places information of name and zipcode in Franklin county, Maine,Franklin ZIP Codes, Postal Codes
General Information for Franklin, ME
Places number 39
FIPS 23007
Belong to Maine

Streets in Franklin

Places in Franklin

Name Zip Code County
Farmington Falls 04940 Franklin
Oquossoc 04964 Franklin
Coburn Gore 04936 Franklin
Sandy River Plt 04970 Franklin
Eustis 04936 Franklin
Wilton 04294 Franklin
Jay 04239 Franklin
North Jay 04262 Franklin
Weld 04285 Franklin
New Vineyard 04956 Franklin
Temple 04984 Franklin
Chain of Ponds 04936 Franklin
Kingfield 04947 Franklin
Jim Pond 04936 Franklin
Strong 04983 Franklin
Lang 04970 Franklin
Dallas Plt 04970 Franklin
Coplin Plt 04970 Franklin
Adamstown 04964 Franklin
Perkins 04294 Franklin
1 2 ››

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Franklin is a county in Maine of United States. Its IGN code is ME007, its FIPS code is 23007, It has about 39 places here.

If the information has any inaccuracies, we recommend that you use Google or Yellow Pages to get additional information.