Greene County, Pennsylvania

Find places information of name and zipcode in Greene county, Pennsylvania,Greene ZIP Codes, Postal Codes
General Information for Greene, PA
Places number 29
FIPS 42059
Belong to Pennsylvania

Streets in Greene

Places in Greene

Name Zip Code County
Rices Landing 15357 Greene
Holbrook 15341 Greene
Carmichaels 15320 Greene
Rogersville 15359 Greene
Spraggs 15362 Greene
New Freeport 15352 Greene
Graysville 15337 Greene
Nineveh 15353 Greene
Crucible 15325 Greene
Aleppo 15310 Greene
Bobtown 15315 Greene
Dilliner 15327 Greene
Jefferson 15344 Greene
Brave 15316 Greene
Garards Fort 15334 Greene
Waynesburg 15370 Greene
Greensboro 15338 Greene
Fairdale 15320 Greene
Sycamore 15364 Greene
Mount Morris 15349 Greene
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Greene is a county in Pennsylvania of United States. Its IGN code is PA059, its FIPS code is 42059, It has about 29 places here.

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