Guilford County, North Carolina

Find places information of name and zipcode in Guilford county, North Carolina,Guilford ZIP Codes, Postal Codes
General Information for Guilford, NC
Places number 51
FIPS 37081
Belong to North Carolina

Streets in Guilford

Places in Guilford

Name Zip Code County
Ridgefield 27410 Guilford
Hilltop 27407 Guilford
Jamestown 27282 Guilford
Climax 27233 Guilford
Brightwood 27214 Guilford
Greensboro 27401 27403 27404 27405 27406 27407 27408 27409 27410 27425 27455 27495 Guilford
Stokesdale 27357 Guilford
Hamtown 27405 Guilford
Whitsett 27377 Guilford
Glenola 27260 Guilford
Guilford Courthouse National 27408 Guilford
Allen Jay 27263 Guilford
Summit 27405 Guilford
Oak Ridge 27310 Guilford
Tennessee Acres 27405 Guilford
Stoney Creek 27377 Guilford
Groomtown 27407 Guilford
Browns Summit 27214 Guilford
Pleasant Garden 27313 Guilford
Sedgefield 27407 Guilford
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Guilford is a county in North Carolina of United States. Its IGN code is NC081, its FIPS code is 37081, It has about 51 places here.

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