Harford County, Maryland

Find places information of name and zipcode in Harford county, Maryland,Harford ZIP Codes, Postal Codes
General Information for Harford, MD
Places number 29
FIPS 24025
Belong to Maryland

Streets in Harford

Places in Harford

Name Zip Code County
Aberdeen 21001 Harford
Joppatowne 21085 Harford
Edgewood Arsenal 21010 Harford
Aberdeen Proving Ground 21005 21010 Harford
Bel Air 21014 21015 Harford
Benson 21018 Harford
Joppatown 21085 Harford
Whiteford 21160 Harford
Cardiff 21160 Harford
Gunpowder 21010 Harford
Perryman 21130 Harford
Churchville 21028 Harford
Riverside 21017 Harford
Havre De Grace 21078 Harford
Norrisville 21161 Harford
Belcamp 21017 Harford
White Hall 21161 Harford
Jarrettsville 21084 Harford
Fallston 21047 Harford
Edgewood 21040 Harford
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Harford is a county in Maryland of United States. Its IGN code is MD025, its FIPS code is 24025, It has about 29 places here.

If the information has any inaccuracies, we recommend that you use Google or Yellow Pages to get additional information.