Ingham County, Michigan

Find places information of name and zipcode in Ingham county, Michigan,Ingham ZIP Codes, Postal Codes
General Information for Ingham, MI
Places number 15
FIPS 26065
Belong to Michigan

Streets in Ingham

Places in Ingham

Name Zip Code County
Holt 48842 Ingham
Webberville 48892 Ingham
Dansville 48819 Ingham
Onondaga 49264 Ingham
Williamston 48895 Ingham
Okemos 48864 Ingham
Lansing 48910 48911 48912 48915 48924 48933 Ingham
Haslett 48840 Ingham
Leslie 49251 Ingham
East Lansing 48823 48824 48825 Ingham
Stockbridge 49285 Ingham
Mason 48854 Ingham
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Ingham is a county in Michigan of United States. Its IGN code is MI065, its FIPS code is 26065, It has about 15 places here.

If the information has any inaccuracies, we recommend that you use Google or Yellow Pages to get additional information.