Jackson County, Oregon

Find places information of name and zipcode in Jackson county, Oregon,Jackson ZIP Codes, Postal Codes
General Information for Jackson, OR
Places number 18
FIPS 41029
Belong to Oregon

Streets in Jackson

Places in Jackson

Name Zip Code County
Shady Cove 97539 Jackson
Applegate 97530 Jackson
Talent 97540 Jackson
Jacksonville 97530 Jackson
Ashland 97520 Jackson
Eagle Point 97524 Jackson
Rogue River 97537 Jackson
White City 97503 Jackson
Phoenix 97535 Jackson
Butte Falls 97522 Jackson
Central Point 97502 Jackson
Gold Hill 97525 Jackson
Medford 97501 97502 97503 97504 Jackson
Trail 97541 Jackson
Prospect 97536 Jackson
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Jackson is a county in Oregon of United States. Its IGN code is OR029, its FIPS code is 41029, It has about 18 places here.

If the information has any inaccuracies, we recommend that you use Google or Yellow Pages to get additional information.