Jersey County, Illinois

Find places information of name and zipcode in Jersey county, Illinois,Jersey ZIP Codes, Postal Codes
General Information for Jersey, IL
Places number 21
FIPS 17083
Belong to Illinois

Streets in Jersey

Places in Jersey

Name Zip Code County
Grafton 62037 Jersey
Nutwood 62031 Jersey
Otterville 62037 62052 Jersey
Chautauqua 62028 Jersey
East Hardin 62031 Jersey
McClusky 62052 Jersey
Quarry 62037 Jersey
Otter Creek 62052 Jersey
Jersey 62052 Jersey
Jerseyville 62052 Jersey
Summerville 62063 Jersey
Rosedale 62031 Jersey
Kemper 62063 Jersey
Fidelity 62030 Jersey
Dow 62022 Jersey
Fieldon 62031 Jersey
Medora 62063 Jersey
Elsah 62028 Jersey
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Jersey is a county in Illinois of United States. Its IGN code is IL083, its FIPS code is 17083, It has about 21 places here.

If the information has any inaccuracies, we recommend that you use Google or Yellow Pages to get additional information.