Kennebec County, Maine

Find places information of name and zipcode in Kennebec county, Maine,Kennebec ZIP Codes, Postal Codes
General Information for Kennebec, ME
Places number 43
FIPS 23011
Belong to Maine

Streets in Kennebec

Places in Kennebec

Name Zip Code County
Randolph 04346 Kennebec
East Winthrop 04343 Kennebec
Fayette 04349 Kennebec
Manchester 04351 Kennebec
Weeks Mills 04358 Kennebec
Wayne 04284 Kennebec
Monmouth 04259 Kennebec
Togus 04330 Kennebec
China 04358 Kennebec
Vienna 04360 Kennebec
Readfield 04355 Kennebec
West Gardiner 04345 Kennebec
Chelsea 04330 Kennebec
Rome 04963 Kennebec
Litchfield 04350 Kennebec
Augusta 04330 04332 Kennebec
Kents Hill 04349 Kennebec
Benton 04901 Kennebec
South China 04358 Kennebec
East Vassalboro 04935 Kennebec
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Kennebec is a county in Maine of United States. Its IGN code is ME011, its FIPS code is 23011, It has about 43 places here.

If the information has any inaccuracies, we recommend that you use Google or Yellow Pages to get additional information.