Logan County, West Virginia

Find places information of name and zipcode in Logan county, West Virginia,Logan ZIP Codes, Postal Codes
General Information for Logan, WV
Places number 50
FIPS 54045
Belong to West Virginia

Streets in Logan

Places in Logan

Name Zip Code County
Man 25635 Logan
Chauncey 25612 Logan
Mallory 25634 Logan
Monaville 25601 Logan
Accoville 25606 Logan
Holden 25625 Logan
Amherstdale 25607 Logan
Switzer 25647 Logan
Whitman 25652 Logan
Wilkinson 25653 Logan
Kistler 25628 Logan
Landville 25635 Logan
Omar 25638 Logan
Sarah Ann 25644 Logan
Lundale 25630 Logan
Crown 25606 Logan
Barnabus 25638 Logan
Big Creek 25505 Logan
Ethel 25076 Logan
Verdunville 25649 Logan

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Logan is a county in West Virginia of United States. Its IGN code is WV045, its FIPS code is 54045, It has about 50 places here.

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