Martin County, North Carolina

Find places information of name and zipcode in Martin county, North Carolina,Martin ZIP Codes, Postal Codes
General Information for Martin, NC
Places number 13
FIPS 37117
Belong to North Carolina

Streets in Martin

Places in Martin

Name Zip Code County
Bear Grass 27871 27892 Martin
Jamesville 27846 Martin
Hassell 27841 Martin
Parmele 27861 Martin
Robersonville 27871 Martin
Everetts 27825 Martin
Hamilton 27840 Martin
Oak City 27857 Martin
Williamston 27892 Martin
Beargrass 27892 Martin
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Martin is a county in North Carolina of United States. Its IGN code is NC117, its FIPS code is 37117, It has about 13 places here.

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