Merced County, California

Find places information of name and zipcode in Merced county, California,Merced ZIP Codes, Postal Codes
General Information for Merced, CA
Places number 22
FIPS 06047
Belong to California

Streets in Merced

Places in Merced

Name Zip Code County
Livingston 95334 Merced
Stevinson 95374 Merced
Winton 95388 Merced
Snelling 95369 Merced
Planada 95365 Merced
Atwater 95301 Merced
Dos Palos 93620 Merced
Los Banos 93635 Merced
Gustine 95322 Merced
Merced 95340 95341 95343 95348 Merced
Santa Rita Park 93661 Merced
Ballico 95303 Merced
Cressey 95312 Merced
Le Grand 95333 Merced
El Nido 95317 Merced
Santa Nella 95322 Merced
Hilmar 95324 Merced
Delhi 95315 Merced
South Dos Palos 93665 Merced
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Merced is a county in California of United States. Its IGN code is CA047, its FIPS code is 06047, It has about 22 places here.

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