Monroe County, Alabama

Find places information of name and zipcode in Monroe county, Alabama,Monroe ZIP Codes, Postal Codes
General Information for Monroe, AL
Places number 20
FIPS 01099
Belong to Alabama

Streets in Monroe

Places in Monroe

Name Zip Code County
Buena Vista 36425 Monroe
Uriah 36480 Monroe
Peterman 36471 Monroe
Megargel 36457 Monroe
Franklin 36444 Monroe
Vredenburgh 36481 Monroe
Hybart 36481 Monroe
Mexia 36458 Monroe
Perdue Hill 36470 Monroe
Fountain 36461 Monroe
Excel 36439 Monroe
Goodway 36449 Monroe
Monroeville 36460 36461 Monroe
Beatrice 36425 Monroe
Frisco City 36445 Monroe
Claiborne 36470 Monroe
Chrysler 36480 Monroe
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Monroe is a county in Alabama of United States. Its IGN code is AL099, its FIPS code is 01099, It has about 20 places here.

If the information has any inaccuracies, we recommend that you use Google or Yellow Pages to get additional information.