Otero County, Colorado

Find places information of name and zipcode in Otero county, Colorado,Otero ZIP Codes, Postal Codes
General Information for Otero, CO
Places number 20
FIPS 08089
Belong to Colorado

Streets in Otero

Places in Otero

Name Zip Code County
Roberta 81050 Otero
Swink 81077 Otero
Fair View 81050 Otero
Timpas 81050 Otero
Hawley 81067 Otero
Cheraw 81030 Otero
Fairmont 81050 Otero
Manzanola 81058 Otero
Fort Bent 81050 Otero
Bents Old Fort 81050 Otero
North La Junta 81050 Otero
Vroman 81067 Otero
Rocky Ford 81067 Otero
Fowler 81039 Otero
Bents Fort 81050 Otero
La Junta 81050 Otero
Timber Lake 81050 Otero
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Otero is a county in Colorado of United States. Its IGN code is CO089, its FIPS code is 08089, It has about 20 places here.

If the information has any inaccuracies, we recommend that you use Google or Yellow Pages to get additional information.