Passaic County, New Jersey

Find places information of name and zipcode in Passaic county, New Jersey,Passaic ZIP Codes, Postal Codes
General Information for Passaic, NJ
Places number 57
FIPS 34031
Belong to New Jersey

Streets in Passaic

Places in Passaic

Name Zip Code County
Bloomingdale 07403 Passaic
Clifton 07011 07012 07013 07014 Passaic
Pompton Falls 07442 Passaic
Awosting 07421 Passaic
Shady Lake 07480 Passaic
Hillcrest 07502 Passaic
Jefferson 07438 Passaic
Lake Swannanoa 07438 Passaic
Erskine Lakes 07456 Passaic
Peoples Park 07513 07543 Passaic
Erskine 07456 Passaic
Allwood 07012 Passaic
Totowa 07502 07512 Passaic
West Milford 07480 Passaic
Cupsaw Lake 07456 Passaic
Singac 07424 Passaic
Green Pond 07435 Passaic
Hawthorne 07506 Passaic
Little Falls 07424 Passaic
Pines Lake 07470 Passaic

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Passaic is a county in New Jersey of United States. Its IGN code is NJ031, its FIPS code is 34031, It has about 57 places here.

If the information has any inaccuracies, we recommend that you use Google or Yellow Pages to get additional information.