Portage County, Ohio

Find places information of name and zipcode in Portage county, Ohio,Portage ZIP Codes, Postal Codes
General Information for Portage, OH
Places number 32
FIPS 39133
Belong to Ohio

Streets in Portage

Places in Portage

Name Zip Code County
Freedom 44288 Portage
Aurora 44202 Portage
Hiram 44234 Portage
Nelson 44231 Portage
Diamond 44412 Portage
Randolph 44265 Portage
Ravenna 44266 Portage
Brady Lake 44211 Portage
Rootstown 44272 Portage
Black Horse 44266 Portage
Campbellsport 44266 Portage
North Benton 44449 Portage
Reminderville 44202 Portage
Wayland 44285 Portage
Mantua 44255 Portage
Edinburg 44272 Portage
Kent 44240 44243 Portage
Suffield 44260 Portage
Garrettsville 44231 Portage
Streetsboro 44241 Portage
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Portage is a county in Ohio of United States. Its IGN code is OH133, its FIPS code is 39133, It has about 32 places here.

If the information has any inaccuracies, we recommend that you use Google or Yellow Pages to get additional information.