Saline County, Illinois

Find places information of name and zipcode in Saline county, Illinois,Saline ZIP Codes, Postal Codes
General Information for Saline, IL
Places number 24
FIPS 17165
Belong to Illinois

Streets in Saline

Places in Saline

Name Zip Code County
Beulah Heights 62930 Saline
Harco 62935 Saline
Rector 62930 Saline
Muddy 62965 Saline
Raleigh 62977 Saline
College Heights 62930 Saline
Eldorado 62930 Saline
Cornerville 62935 Saline
Harrisburg 62946 Saline
East Eldorado 62930 Saline
Stonefort 62987 Saline
Dykersburg 62987 Saline
Texas 62930 Saline
Mitchellsville 62917 Saline
Brushy 62935 Saline
Wasson 62930 Saline
McCormick 62987 Saline
Galatia 62935 Saline
Cottagegrove 62930 Saline
Dallasania 62917 Saline
1 2 ››

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Saline is a county in Illinois of United States. Its IGN code is IL165, its FIPS code is 17165, It has about 24 places here.

If the information has any inaccuracies, we recommend that you use Google or Yellow Pages to get additional information.