San Diego County, California

Find places information of name and zipcode in San Diego county, California,San Diego ZIP Codes, Postal Codes
General Information for San Diego, CA
Places number 70
FIPS 06073
Belong to California

Streets in San Diego

Places in San Diego

Name Zip Code County
Imperial Beach 91932 San Diego
Rancho La Costa 92011 San Diego
La Costa 92009 92011 San Diego
Tecate 91980 San Diego
Vista 92081 92083 92084 San Diego
Lakeside 92040 San Diego
Rainbow 92028 San Diego
Oceanside 92054 92055 92056 92057 92058 92068 San Diego
Ocean Beach 92107 San Diego
Lemon Grove 91945 San Diego
Escondido 92025 92026 92027 92029 San Diego
La Jolla 92037 San Diego
Guatay 91931 San Diego
Crest 92021 San Diego
Encinitas 92024 San Diego
Boulevard 91905 San Diego
Carlsbad 92008 92009 92010 92011 San Diego
Santee 92071 San Diego
Bonsall 92003 San Diego
Julian 92036 San Diego
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San Diego is a county in California of United States. Its IGN code is CA073, its FIPS code is 06073, It has about 70 places here.

If the information has any inaccuracies, we recommend that you use Google or Yellow Pages to get additional information.