Santa Cruz County, California

Find places information of name and zipcode in Santa Cruz county, California,Santa Cruz ZIP Codes, Postal Codes
General Information for Santa Cruz, CA
Places number 29
FIPS 06087
Belong to California

Streets in Santa Cruz

Places in Santa Cruz

Name Zip Code County
Felton 95018 Santa Cruz
Corralitos 95076 Santa Cruz
Freedom 95019 Santa Cruz
Brookdale 95007 Santa Cruz
Davenport 95017 Santa Cruz
Seacliff 95003 Santa Cruz
Big Basin 95006 Santa Cruz
Ben Lomond 95005 Santa Cruz
Mount Madonna 95076 Santa Cruz
Aptos 95003 Santa Cruz
Soquel 95073 Santa Cruz
La Selva Beach 95076 Santa Cruz
Royal Oaks 95076 Santa Cruz
Seascape 95003 Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz 95060 95062 95064 95065 95066 95067 Santa Cruz
Pajaro 95076 Santa Cruz
Watsonville 95076 Santa Cruz
Lompico 95018 Santa Cruz
Boulder Creek 95006 Santa Cruz
Rio Del Mar 95003 Santa Cruz
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Santa Cruz is a county in California of United States. Its IGN code is CA087, its FIPS code is 06087, It has about 29 places here.

If the information has any inaccuracies, we recommend that you use Google or Yellow Pages to get additional information.