Solano County, California

Find places information of name and zipcode in Solano county, California,Solano ZIP Codes, Postal Codes
General Information for Solano, CA
Places number 17
FIPS 06095
Belong to California

Streets in Solano

Places in Solano

Name Zip Code County
Elmira 95625 Solano
Liberty Farms 95620 Solano
Birds Landing 94512 Solano
Suisun 94534 Solano
Mare Island 94592 Solano
Vacaville 95687 95688 95696 Solano
Suisun City 94585 Solano
Fairfield 94533 94534 Solano
Rio Vista 94571 Solano
Benicia 94510 Solano
Allendale 95688 Solano
Dixon 95620 Solano
Vallejo 94589 94590 94591 94592 Solano
American Canyon 94589 Solano
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Solano is a county in California of United States. Its IGN code is CA095, its FIPS code is 06095, It has about 17 places here.

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