Somerset County, Pennsylvania

Find places information of name and zipcode in Somerset county, Pennsylvania,Somerset ZIP Codes, Postal Codes
General Information for Somerset, PA
Places number 45
FIPS 42111
Belong to Pennsylvania

Streets in Somerset

Places in Somerset

Name Zip Code County
Shanksville 15560 Somerset
Rockwood 15557 Somerset
Jenners 15546 Somerset
Berlin 15530 Somerset
Quecreek 15555 Somerset
Somerset 15501 Somerset
Central City 15926 Somerset
Addison 15411 Somerset
Hidden Valley 15502 Somerset
Hooversville 15936 Somerset
Tire Hill 15959 Somerset
West Salisbury 15565 Somerset
Cairnbrook 15924 Somerset
Gray 15544 Somerset
Springs 15562 Somerset
Wellersburg 15564 Somerset
Fairhope 15538 Somerset
Windber 15963 Somerset
Boynton 15532 Somerset
Davidsville 15928 Somerset

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Somerset is a county in Pennsylvania of United States. Its IGN code is PA111, its FIPS code is 42111, It has about 45 places here.

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