Suffolk County, New York

Find places information of name and zipcode in Suffolk county, New York,Suffolk ZIP Codes, Postal Codes
General Information for Suffolk, NY
Places number 209
FIPS 36103
Belong to New York

Streets in Suffolk

Places in Suffolk

Name Zip Code County
Old Westfield 11784 Suffolk
Islip Terrace 11752 Suffolk
Port Jefferson 11777 Suffolk
Setauket 11733 Suffolk
Amagansett 11930 Suffolk
Lloyd Harbor 11743 Suffolk
Wyandanch 11798 Suffolk
Stony Brook 11790 Suffolk
Lloyd Neck 11743 Suffolk
Nissequogue 11780 Suffolk
Patchogue 11772 Suffolk
Greenport 11944 Suffolk
Shoreham 11786 Suffolk
Eastport 11941 Suffolk
Flowerfield 11780 Suffolk
Moriches 11955 Suffolk
Marconiville 11726 Suffolk
Sag Harbor 11963 Suffolk
East Marion 11939 Suffolk
Ocean Beach 11770 Suffolk

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Suffolk is a county in New York of United States. Its IGN code is NY103, its FIPS code is 36103, It has about 209 places here.

If the information has any inaccuracies, we recommend that you use Google or Yellow Pages to get additional information.