Travis County, Texas

Find places information of name and zipcode in Travis county, Texas,Travis ZIP Codes, Postal Codes
General Information for Travis, TX
Places number 49
FIPS 48453
Belong to Texas

Streets in Travis

Places in Travis

Name Zip Code County
San Leanna 78748 Travis
McNeil 78651 Travis
Kimbro 78653 Travis
Sunset Valley 78735 78745 Travis
Rollingwood 78746 Travis
Four Points 78732 Travis
Lakeway 78734 78738 Travis
Elroy 78617 Travis
Balcones 78759 Travis
New Sweden 78653 Travis
Lago Vista 78645 Travis
Travis Heights 78704 Travis
Village of the Hills 78738 Travis
Moores Crossing 78719 Travis
Daffan 78653 Travis
Spicewood 78669 Travis
Manor 78653 Travis
Manda 78653 Travis
Gregg 78653 Travis
Jonestown 78645 Travis

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Travis is a county in Texas of United States. Its IGN code is TX453, its FIPS code is 48453, It has about 49 places here.

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