Ulster County, New York

Find places information of name and zipcode in Ulster county, New York,Ulster ZIP Codes, Postal Codes
General Information for Ulster, NY
Places number 75
FIPS 36111
Belong to New York

Streets in Ulster

Places in Ulster

Name Zip Code County
West Shokan 12494 Ulster
Tillson 12486 Ulster
Clintondale 12515 Ulster
Phoenicia 12464 Ulster
Big Indian 12410 Ulster
Woodstock 12498 Ulster
Gardiner 12525 Ulster
West Camp 12490 Ulster
Olivebridge 12461 Ulster
New Paltz 12561 Ulster
Bearsville 12409 Ulster
Eddyville 12401 Ulster
Wawarsing 12489 Ulster
Shokan 12481 Ulster
Ruby 12475 Ulster
Marlboro 12542 Ulster
Cherrytown 12446 Ulster
High Falls 12440 Ulster
Ellenville 12428 Ulster
Saint Remy 12401 Ulster

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Ulster is a county in New York of United States. Its IGN code is NY111, its FIPS code is 36111, It has about 75 places here.

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