Metaline Falls, Washington

Below is the information of Metaline Falls, WA,Metaline Falls ZIP Codes, Postal Codes
General Information for Metaline Falls, WA
Streets 51
Name Metaline Falls
Zip Code 99153
County Pend Oreille
State Washington

Streets in Metaline Falls

Name Zip Code Place
1st Avenue, Pend Oreille, WA 99153 Metaline Falls
Clark Creek Road, Pend Oreille, WA 99153 Metaline Falls
5th Avenue, Pend Oreille, WA 99153 Metaline Falls
4th Avenue, Pend Oreille, WA 99153 Metaline Falls
Lehigh Drive, Pend Oreille, WA 99153 Metaline Falls
Toadflax Lane, Pend Oreille, WA 99153 Metaline Falls
Park Street, Pend Oreille, WA 99153 Metaline Falls
North Alaska Lane, Pend Oreille, WA 99153 Metaline Falls
Magerist Road, Pend Oreille, WA 99153 Metaline Falls
Clark Creek Lane, Pend Oreille, WA 99153 Metaline Falls
A South Avenue, Pend Oreille, WA 99153 Metaline Falls
North Grandview Avenue, Pend Oreille, WA 99153 Metaline Falls
Highway 31, Pend Oreille, WA 99153 Metaline Falls
Larsen Boulevard, Pend Oreille, WA 99153 Metaline Falls
Pend Oreille Boulevard, Pend Oreille, WA 99153 Metaline Falls
Village Street, Pend Oreille, WA 99153 Metaline Falls
Robarge Street, Pend Oreille, WA 99153 Metaline Falls
Grandview, Pend Oreille, WA 99153 Metaline Falls
East 3rd Avenue, Pend Oreille, WA 99153 Metaline Falls
Lehigh Hill Road, Pend Oreille, WA 99153 Metaline Falls
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General Information for Pend Oreille
Name Pend Oreille
FIPS 53051
General Information for Washington
Name Washington

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Metaline Falls is a place in Pend Oreille Washington of United States. Its zip code is 99153, it has about 51 streets here.

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