State of Montana The Treasure State

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General Information for Montana
County Number 59
Capital Helena
Nickname The Treasure State

Main Places in Montana

Name Zip Code County
Rosebud 59347 Rosebud
Valier 59486 Pondera
Rocky Boy 59521 Hill
Victor 59875 Ravalli
Clyde Park 59018 Park
Redstone 59257 Sheridan
Angela 59312 Rosebud
Loma 59460 Chouteau
Hays 59527 Blaine
Bridger 59014 Carbon

Montana Counties

Name HASC IGN State
Fergus US.MT.FE MT027 Montana
McCone US.MT.MC MT055 Montana
Wibaux US.MT.WI MT109 Montana
Madison US.MT.MA MT057 Montana
Prairie US.MT.PR MT079 Montana
Glacier US.MT.GC MT035 Montana
Mineral US.MT.MN MT061 Montana
Yellowstone US.MT.YS MT111 Montana
Gallatin US.MT.GL MT031 Montana
Daniels US.MT.DN MT019 Montana
Richland US.MT.RI MT083 Montana
Lake US.MT.LA MT047 Montana
Hill US.MT.HI MT041 Montana
Park US.MT.PA MT067 Montana
Sweet Grass US.MT.SW MT097 Montana
Lewis And Clark US.MT.LE MT049 Montana
Lincoln US.MT.LN MT053 Montana
Powder River US.MT.PD MT075 Montana
Liberty US.MT.LB MT051 Montana
Cascade US.MT.CS MT013 Montana
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Montana is a state of the United States, its capital is Helena, the nickname of the state is The Treasure State, its ISO code is US-MT, its IGN code is MT. It has about 59 counties. Billings is the state's largest city.

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