State of Nevada The Silver State

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General Information for Nevada
County Number 20
Capital Carson City
Nickname The Silver State

Main Places in Nevada

Nevada Counties

Name HASC IGN State
Esmeralda US.NV.ES NV009 Nevada
Douglas US.NV.DO NV005 Nevada
Lincoln US.NV.LI NV017 Nevada
Churchill US.NV.CH NV001 Nevada
Storey US.NV.ST NV029 Nevada
White Pine US.NV.WH NV033 Nevada
Humboldt US.NV.HU NV013 Nevada
Washoe US.NV.WA NV031 Nevada
Carson City US.NV.CA NV510 Nevada
Lyon US.NV.LY NV019 Nevada
Nye US.NV.NY NV023 Nevada
Lander US.NV.LA NV015 Nevada
Eureka US.NV.EU NV011 Nevada
Mineral US.NV.MI NV021 Nevada
Clark US.NV.CL NV003 Nevada
Elko US.NV.EL NV007 Nevada
Pershing US.NV.PE NV027 Nevada
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Nevada is a state of the United States, its capital is Carson City, the nickname of the state is The Silver State, its ISO code is US-NV, its IGN code is NV. It has about 20 counties. One of two independent cities that serves as a state capital. Las Vegas is the state's largest city. It shares the largest metro area with Paradise.

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