State of Tennessee The Volunteer State

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General Information for Tennessee
County Number 98
Capital Nashville
Nickname The Volunteer State

Main Places in Tennessee

Name Zip Code County
Guys 38339 McNairy
Gates 38037 Lauderdale
Silver Point 38582 Putnam
Morris Chapel 38361 Hardin
Oak Ridge 37830 37831 Anderson
Millington 38053 38054 Shelby
Gallaway 38036 Fayette
Kingston 37763 Roane
Erin 37061 Houston
Forest Hills 37027 Williamson

Tennessee Counties

Name HASC IGN State
Putnam US.TN.PU TN141 Tennessee
Meigs US.TN.ME TN121 Tennessee
Pickett US.TN.PI TN137 Tennessee
Cannon US.TN.CN TN015 Tennessee
Moore US.TN.MO TN127 Tennessee
Dyer US.TN.DY TN045 Tennessee
Marshall US.TN.MS TN117 Tennessee
Perry US.TN.PE TN135 Tennessee
Lauderdale US.TN.LU TN097 Tennessee
Smith US.TN.SH TN159 Tennessee
Loudon US.TN.LO TN105 Tennessee
Monroe US.TN.MR TN123 Tennessee
Washington US.TN.WI TN179 Tennessee
Sullivan US.TN.SL TN163 Tennessee
Montgomery US.TN.MT TN125 Tennessee
McNairy US.TN.MA TN109 Tennessee
Jackson US.TN.JA TN087 Tennessee
Union US.TN.UO TN173 Tennessee
Benton US.TN.BN TN005 Tennessee
Marion US.TN.MI TN115 Tennessee
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Tennessee is a state of the United States, its capital is Nashville, the nickname of the state is The Volunteer State, its ISO code is US-TN, its IGN code is TN. It has about 98 counties.

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