State of Utah The Beehive State

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General Information for Utah
County Number 32
Capital Salt Lake City
Nickname The Beehive State

Main Places in Utah

Name Zip Code County
Madsen 84314 Box Elder
Union 84047 Salt Lake
Fillmore 84631 Millard
Millville 84326 Cache
Meadow 84644 Millard
Fountain Green 84632 Sanpete
Virgin 84779 Washington
Bountiful 84010 Davis
Bonanza 84008 Uintah
Syracuse 84075 Davis

Utah Counties

Name HASC IGN State
Wayne US.UT.WE UT055 Utah
Rich US.UT.RH UT033 Utah
Kane US.UT.KA UT025 Utah
Washington US.UT.WN UT053 Utah
Box Elder US.UT.BE UT003 Utah
Uintah US.UT.UN UT047 Utah
Morgan US.UT.MN UT029 Utah
Garfield US.UT.GA UT017 Utah
San Juan US.UT.SJ UT037 Utah
Wasatch US.UT.WA UT051 Utah
Utah US.UT.UT UT049 Utah
Juab US.UT.JU UT023 Utah
Grand US.UT.GR UT019 Utah
Weber US.UT.WB UT057 Utah
Daggett US.UT.DG UT009 Utah
Millard US.UT.MD UT027 Utah
Emery US.UT.EM UT015 Utah
Summit US.UT.SU UT043 Utah
Sevier US.UT.SE UT041 Utah
Duchesne US.UT.DU UT013 Utah
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Utah is a state of the United States, its capital is Salt Lake City, the nickname of the state is The Beehive State, its ISO code is US-UT, its IGN code is UT. It has about 32 counties.

If the information has any inaccuracies, we recommend that you use Google or Yellow Pages to get additional information.