Rock Road is a street in Reading Berks Pennsylvania, United States. The ZIP code of Rock Road is 19606, There are about 236 street addresses. We offer google maps to view the address on the map.
Public Information | |
Name | Rock Road |
Zip Code | 19606 |
Place | Reading |
County | Berks |
State | Pennsylvania |
Information for Reading | |
Name | Reading |
Zip Code | 19601 19602 19604 19605 19606 19607 19608 19609 19610 19611 |
Streets | 2310 |
Information for Pennsylvania | |
Name | Pennsylvania |
County Number | 67 |
IGN | PA |
FIPS | US42 |
We use Google Maps to locate the address and display it on the left. You can check the address.
If the information has any inaccuracies, we recommend that you use Google or Yellow Pages to get additional information.