Allegheny County, Pennsylvania

Find places information of name and zipcode in Allegheny county, Pennsylvania,Allegheny ZIP Codes, Postal Codes
General Information for Allegheny, PA
Places number 136
FIPS 42003
Belong to Pennsylvania

Streets in Allegheny

Places in Allegheny

Name Zip Code County
West Elizabeth 15088 Allegheny
Indianola 15051 Allegheny
East McKeesport 15035 Allegheny
Crafton 15205 Allegheny
Duquesne 15110 Allegheny
Port Vue 15133 Allegheny
Morgan 15064 Allegheny
Oakland 15213 Allegheny
Wilmerding 15148 Allegheny
Montour 15244 Allegheny
West Mifflin 15122 15123 15236 Allegheny
Braddock Hills 15221 Allegheny
Hazelwood 15207 Allegheny
Creighton 15030 Allegheny
Sturgeon 15082 Allegheny
Allegheny 15212 Allegheny
Rural Ridge 15075 Allegheny
East Liberty 15206 Allegheny
Jefferson Hills 15025 Allegheny
Large 15025 Allegheny

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Allegheny is a county in Pennsylvania of United States. Its IGN code is PA003, its FIPS code is 42003, It has about 136 places here.

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